About Us » Administration


Principal Leland Hansen
Leland Hansen
Assistant Principal Kimberly Kellam
Kimberly Kellam
Assistant Principal
Administrative Office Hours 

The Administration Office is open from 7:45 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Monday - Friday. It is here that contacts between home and school are made and all other record keeping and regular school business takes place.  We can be reached at 831-384-3550.
Procedure for Visiting Classrooms
Visiting classrooms begins in the Administration Office. District policy does not permit friends or relatives to spend the day with students. If parents wish to visit the school, they should make an appointment with the counselor, who will notify teachers, so they will know to expect visitors. Sometimes parents are disappointed when they drop in only to find the teacher is absent or has an appointment with someone else.

Campus Visitors
All visitors must register in the main office before entering the campus. The visitor will receive an ID badge, which must be worn at all times throughout the duration of the visit.